How to Stop Foreclosure Without a Loan Modification

This article outlines a program on how to stop foreclosure without using a loan modification.

While it is possible to stop foreclosure without modifying your loan, if you want to lower your payments you will need to get a loan modification. This program will simply stop the foreclosure process and give you time to make a wise decision, as well as save up some money if you are employed. It will also give you leverage and help you obtain a loan modification if that is what you choose to do.

First off, you cannot have a pending sale date on your home for this program. If you are NOD that is fine, but if you have a pending sale date, you will have to consult with a bankruptcy attorney and file a chapter 13 bankruptcy to obtain an automatic stay to stop the foreclosure. Once that has been issued, you are free to continue with this program.

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So, if you are in any other situation besides a pending sale date, you are ready to go. This program works with the use of an attorney. It is based on current laws and will stop your home from foreclosure and legally freeze your mortgage. You will not have to make any payments while your loan is in dispute. Furthermore, your lender will not be able to demand payment from you, charge you late fees, accrue interest or report any negative items on your credit report. Your loan is challenged based on several factors, this is not a "produce the note" type of deal that you see on the news. Part of the challenge involves any errors that were made on your loan and if there are errors found you may be due relief on those errors.

The major benefit of this program is that you will go months or even years without paying your mortgage while your loan is in dispute. This will provide you with the following benefits:

1. The time needed to stay in your home, save up your money and then decide the best course of action.

2. We can provide cause for the lender to renegotiate your payments to something more affordable

3. You will have plenty of time to vacate the property if in the end you feel that is the best choice.

Unlike a loan modification, with this unique stop foreclosure program you do not have to have a job or prove income. There are no credit requirements either. This will work especially well if you are having difficulty making your mortgage payments and your house value is upside down.

Again, this is not a loan modification. This program will stop your lender from being able to foreclose on your home. It also stops their ability to demand payment whether you are current or 3 months behind. You gain the negotiating power to seek a loan modification if you wish.

Visit the site below if you want more information on how to stop foreclosure without a loan modification or to speak with someone about your unique situation.

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