Ten Tips To Save Your Home From Foreclosure

1. Don't abandon your home, if you can still afford the monthly payments, your lender does have loss mitigation to assist you with a workout plan.

2. Do not use so-called " Foreclosure Assistance Websites" these sites are worthless and run by scam artists who don't know how to save your home and will run with your money.

3. Don't be so quick to sale your home through a Realtor or short sell through an investor if you want to stay in your home. Your lender will work with you if you qualify for a workout plan.

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4. If your case has been assigned to an attorney's office, you will be require to pay any foreclosure fees.

5. Do not sign over your home to anyone, DON'T DO IT! Read clauses 18 in your mortgage contract about transfer.

6. You must have income to qualify for a workout, such as ( job, rental, child support, retirement; business, disability or social security).

7. The only time you will need to consider filing Chapter 13 is if you cannot come up with the legal fees as require by your mortgage lender. Your lender can put the arrears back into the loan by modifying it and having you sign a new loan agreement.

8. If you own a business, you must provide bank statements and profit and loss statement.

9. Borrow from your 401K, IRA to pay legal fees.

10. If you filed a previous Chapter 13 and the court dismiss your case, you can still qualify for a workout. You will be require to pay additional fees that your mortgage lender incur.

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