Credit Repair Secrets Revealed Article 6 - "How to Get Out of Chex Systems"

Ok, for a lot of you this is the article that a lot of people have been waiting for. I just want to say this first: This could take some time and patience in some cases but the result will be what you want if you stick with it.

This article is going to be fairly short because I know everyone wants me to get to the point about how to do this. I promise I will continue to pack this course with more quality content in the next articles.

I want to also say that this is not some information that I'm giving you that I think "might" work. I don't do that, ever. I will always give everyone true, quality content that is proven and that will help you do what you need to do to reach your individual goal in your situation.

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The reason I am giving this information out is because a lot of our customers are asking us on a regular basis if we can remove information from ChexSystems. Well, obviously we can because I'm about to give you the information but we just don't provide that service for people. We do credit repair and that's pretty much it.

If your name has been put into the ChexSystem you may be finding it hard to get a checking account or even write a check. ChexSystem is governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which allows you to dispute claims against you. You have rights!

The first place you will want to visit is and order a copy of your ChexSystems report. This will allow you to find out what caused you to be placed on their system and will also give you a Consumer ID number.

The next step on your journey to checking freedom is to send ChexSystems a letter disputing the negative listing. You need to make a copy of the letter for your files and send the original letter Certified Mail. This will become a legal document. You will want proof when it was sent out because ChexSystems is required to contact you in 30 days or delete the listing.

The address is:

ChexSystems Customer Relations

12005 Ford Road Suite 600

Dallas, TX 75234.

You will need to include on every letter:

• Your name (printed not signed)

• Your complete address

• Your social security number

• Your Consumer ID number (listed on the chexsystems report)

• Your bank's name

• The negative listing you are being accused of and the date it occurred

Next, you need to create your letter.


Letter 1: (This is the beginning)

Inform ChexSystems that you have reviewed your report and the items they have listed are inaccurate. Ask them to validate the information from the bank and to send copies of any documentation they have regarding this listing that bear your signature. At the end of the letter, you need to "DEMAND" not ask, "DEMAND" them to remove this inaccurate information.

Ask to have the information deleted from the file under your social security number.

(This could be your only letter. This maybe enough to have them remove your name from the system)

Just in case they become difficult and decide not to cooperate, here is what you would do in letter 2 30 days later.

NOTE: Only send this letter once you have received the initial dispute back from them. You need to know the outcome before you send the second letter.

Letter 2: (if your dispute was verified)

Inform ChexSystems that you wish to have a description of the procedure used to determine that the information they sent you was valid.(Looking at a computer screen does not make it valid)

Also request a listing of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the people they contacted at your bank.

You will want to request that they respond to your letter in 14 days. If you are not contacted in 14 days you will contact the FTC and your state's Attorney General's office.

You can also file a petition in small claims court for items such as Defamation , Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Negligent Enablement of Identity Fraud.

NOTE: At this point, if you don't want to go through the headache and you are willing to be patience, you could just go back to letter 1 and re-send that letter and start that process over again. Basically, you would keep doing letter 1 and letter 2 until it is removed.

If you want to go above and beyond then you can also use the strategy of letter 3.

Letter 3: (If your letter has not been responded to in 30 days)

Inform Chexsystem that you will file a petition in small claims court for Defamation, Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Negligent Enablement of Identity Fraud. You can file a petition for $20.00 at your local courthouse. Its very easy to do and maybe the only thing you can do at this state of the game.

If ChexSystems Has Removed the Negative Listing:

Save all documentation that your account has been cleared. Keep this information safe. It may happen that ChexSystems has not informed all banks or financial institutions. The documentation will not help you at a point of sale place but it will with a bank when opening an account.

As soon as you receive a notice from ChexSystems that your account has been cleared, open a checking account.

It is possible that ChexSystems will allow the disputed claim to creep back on to your report. You will want to have an account opened by then.

That is about all I have to say about this topic. I don't want to give you too much information to the point you get confused.

Thank you for your time and I hope you keep this information close to you.

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